Tutorials for exciting Boron
Getting Started
Electronic Structure
Structure Optimization
- Volume optimization for cubic systems
- Simple examples of structure optimization
- General lattice optimization
Time-Dependent DFT
Energy Functionals
GW Method
Bethe-Salpether Equation
- Excited states from BSE
- TDDFT calculations with different kernels
- X-ray absorption spectra using BSE
Phonons and Thermal Properties
- Phonons at Γ in diamond-structure crystals
- Phonons at X in diamond-structure crystals
- Phonon properties of diamond-structure crystals
- Thermal expansion of diamond-structure crystals
- How to visualize phonons
Elastic Properties
- Energy vs. strain calculations
- ElaStic@exciting: Elastic-constants calculation
- How to calculate the stress tensor
Magnetic Properties
Raman Scattering
Application-Oriented Tutorials
- Calculation of STM spectra
- Magneto-optical Kerr effect (MOKE)
- Fermi surface plot
- Second-harmonic generation
Insights in exciting / Documentation
exciting Species Files