In order to change the text in the inputfile reference one hast to do the following steps
Locate Documentation Text in the Schema
The schema of the exciting document is quite a lot of XML text, such that navigating in it becomes a bit of a challenge. It actually helps to use special editors to edit the schema. More about that later.
The schema is as described in Writing Input Parameter Documentation is splitt into multiple files for each first level element such as structure, groundstate, structureoptimization , properties, phonons, xs and gw. They are located in
It is usefull to use a schema editor to open this files. One may use eclipse with the XML plugins installed as described here how to setup eclipse as XML editor or Oxigen. The XSD editor (XML Schema Definition editor) of eclipse loocks like this:
In order to browse the elements it is a lot faster and easier then using a normal XML editor. Usually it works best if one uses the design view as above to locate the part of interest and then switches to the text view to edit.
Change the Documentation Text in the Schema
In the eclipse view menu one can activate a properties view which inspects the active element in the schema and allows for editing default values an also the documentation:
Check Changes in PDF
If one wants to check if the changes are correct one simply types
make doc
in the exciting directory.
When completed one can check the PDF version of the input reference in:
Update Wiki
The wiki code for inputfile reference is generated here:
The wikicode is made by the makefile in
In this make file, one may define a prefix for the file names of the wiki pages. This can be used if one wants keep multiple versions of the input reference in the wiki. The prefix is necessary for the links among the pages for the first level elements work correctly and don't get mixed up with other version.
PREFIX=ref: STRPARAM= --stringparam importancelevels "essential expert" --stringparam prefix "$(PREFIX)" wiki/*: *.xsd ../schematowikidot.xsl common xsltproc $(STRPARAM) ../schematowikidot.xsl input.xsd >wiki/$(PREFIX)input;\ xsltproc $(STRPARAM) ../schematowikidot.xsl structure.xsd >wiki/$(PREFIX)structure;\ xsltproc $(STRPARAM) ../schematowikidot.xsl groundstate.xsd >wiki/$(PREFIX)groundstate;\ xsltproc $(STRPARAM) ../schematowikidot.xsl phonons.xsd >wiki/$(PREFIX)phonons;\ xsltproc $(STRPARAM) ../schematowikidot.xsl properties.xsd >wiki/$(PREFIX)properties;\ xsltproc $(STRPARAM) ../schematowikidot.xsl structureoptimization.xsd > wiki/$(PREFIX)structureoptimization;\ xsltproc $(STRPARAM) ../schematowikidot.xsl xs.xsd >wiki/$(PREFIX)xs;\ xsltproc $(STRPARAM) ../schematowikidot.xsl ../species.xsd >wiki/$(PREFIX)species;\ xsltproc $(STRPARAM) ../schematowikidot.xsl gw.xsd >wiki/$(PREFIX)gw;\ common:expandedschema xsltproc $(STRPARAM) --stringparam common "true" ../schematowikidot.xsl ../excitinginput.xsd >wiki/$(PREFIX)common expandedschema:: cd ../../ && $(MAKE) expandedschema
There is no automatic way to copy the wiki code to the wiki. The pages must be created by hand and the text must be pasted into the editor field.