Element: groundstate
The groundstate element is required for any calculation. Its attributes are parameters and methods which are used to calculate the ground-state density.
contains: | DFTD2parameters (optional) TSvdWparameters (optional) spin (optional) dfthalf (optional) Hybrid (optional) sirius (optional) solver (optional) OEP (optional) output (optional) libxc (optional) lorecommendation (optional) |
XPath: | /input/groundstate |
This element allows for specification of the following attributes: APWprecision, CoreRelativity, ExplicitKineticEnergy, PrelimLinSteps, ValenceRelativity, autokpt, beta0, betadec, betainc, cfdamp, chgexs, deband, dipolecorrection, dipoleposition, dlinengyfermi, do, energyref, epsband, epschg, epsengy, epsforcescf, epsocc, epspot, fermilinengy, findlinentype, fracinr, frozencore, gmaxvr, isgkmax, ldapu, lmaxapw, lmaxinr, lmaxmat, lmaxvr, lradstep, maxscl, mixer, mixerswitch, modifiedsv, msecStoredSteps, nempty, ngridk, niterconvcheck, nktot, nosource, nosym, nprad, npsden, nwrite, outputlevel, ptnucl, radialgridtype, radkpt, reducek, rgkmax, scfconv, stype, swidth, symmorph, tevecsv, tfibs, tforce, tpartcharges, useAPWprecision, useDensityMatrix, vdWcorrection, vkloff, xctype
Attribute: APWprecision
The parameter APWprecision determines the needed rgkmax to reach the (in APWprecision) specified precision in the total energy for the given material. The given parameter APWprecision scales a predefined rgkmax value of the element of the given material that has the smallest muffin-tin radius. These predefined rgkmax values are obtained by studying the convergence of the total energy. Applying these rgkmax values to the elemental solids only should yield a precision in the energy of about $0.1$ meV/atom (assuming all other parameters used in the calculation allow this kind of precision). APWprecision = 1 will mean that the chosen rgkmax value for the calculation is equal to the predefined rgkmax (where a precision of about $0.1$ meV/atom is reached for elemental solids).
Type: | fortrandouble |
Default: | "0.7d0" |
Use: | optional |
XPath: | /input/groundstate/@APWprecision |
Attribute: CoreRelativity
Chooses between relativistic/non-relativistic descriptions for core electrons. Pick either "dirac" or "none".
Type: | choose from: dirac none |
Default: | "dirac" |
Use: | optional |
XPath: | /input/groundstate/@CoreRelativity |
Attribute: ExplicitKineticEnergy
If true, the kinetic energy expectation values are calculated explicitly and, then, they are used for calculating the total energy.
Type: | boolean |
Default: | "true" |
Use: | optional |
XPath: | /input/groundstate/@ExplicitKineticEnergy |
Attribute: PrelimLinSteps
After which SCF iteration is msec mixing supposed to be turned on. Until then linear mixing is applied. Used in msec mixing as choosen with mixer.
Type: | integer |
Default: | "2" |
Use: | optional |
XPath: | /input/groundstate/@PrelimLinSteps |
Attribute: ValenceRelativity
Relativistic Hamiltonian to use in groundstate calculations.
- none - solves non-relativistic Schoedinger equation (SE)
- zora - solves scalar-relativistic SE within zero-order regular approximation (ZORA)
- iora* - solves scalar-relativistic SE within infinite-order regular approximation (IORA), the small component is neglected
- iora - solves scalar-relativistic SE within infinite-order regular approximation (IORA), the small component is included
- kh* - solves scalar-relativistic SE for the large component, the small component is neglected
- kh - solves scalar-relativistic SE for the large component, the small component is included
iora, kh* and kh are implemented only for atoms.
Type: | choose from: zora iora* iora kh* kh none |
Default: | "zora" |
Use: | optional |
XPath: | /input/groundstate/@ValenceRelativity |
Attribute: autokpt
If "true", the set of k-points is determined automatically according to radkpt.
Type: | boolean |
Default: | "false" |
Use: | optional |
XPath: | /input/groundstate/@autokpt |
Attribute: beta0
Initial value for mixing parameter. Used in linear mixing as choosen with mixer.
Type: | fortrandouble |
Default: | "0.4d0" |
Use: | optional |
XPath: | /input/groundstate/@beta0 |
Attribute: betadec
Mixing parameter decrease. Used in linear mixing.
Type: | fortrandouble |
Default: | "0.6d0" |
Use: | optional |
XPath: | /input/groundstate/@betadec |
Attribute: betainc
Mixing parameter increase. Used in linear mixing.
Type: | fortrandouble |
Default: | "1.1d0" |
Use: | optional |
XPath: | /input/groundstate/@betainc |
Attribute: cfdamp
Damping coefficient for characteristic function.
Type: | fortrandouble |
Default: | "0.0d0" |
Use: | optional |
XPath: | /input/groundstate/@cfdamp |
Attribute: chgexs
This controls the amount of charge in the unit cell beyond that required to maintain neutrality. It can be set positive or negative depending on whether electron or hole doping is required.
Type: | fortrandouble |
Default: | "0.0d0" |
Use: | optional |
XPath: | /input/groundstate/@chgexs |
Attribute: deband
Initial band energy step size The initial step length used when searching for the band energy, which is used as the APW linearisation energy. This is done by first searching upwards in energy until the radial wave-function at the muffin-tin radius is zero. This is the energy at the top of the band, denoted $E_{\rm t}$. A downward search is now performed from $E_{\rm t}$ until the slope of the radial wave-function at the muffin-tin radius is zero. This energy, $E_{\rm b}$, is at the bottom of the band. The band energy is taken as $(E_{\rm t}+E_{\rm b})/2$. If either $E_{\rm t}$ or $E_{\rm b}$ cannot be found then the band energy is set to the default value.
Type: | fortrandouble |
Default: | "0.0025d0" |
Use: | optional |
Unit: | Hartree |
XPath: | /input/groundstate/@deband |
Attribute: dipolecorrection
If "true", the dipole correction is applied for slabs oriented along the $z$-direction.
Type: | boolean |
Default: | "false" |
Use: | optional |
XPath: | /input/groundstate/@dipolecorrection |
Attribute: dipoleposition
The value of this attribute indicates the position of the jump in electrostatic potential, after the compensating potential (i.e., the dipole correction) is applied. The position is given as a fractional coordinate in the vertical direction. Please note that this jump position should be located within the vacuum region enough far away from the atomic layers, otherwise the compensating potential cannot be correctly applied. It is recommended to put the jump position at the middle of the vacuum layer.
Type: | fortrandouble |
Default: | "1.0d0" |
Use: | optional |
XPath: | /input/groundstate/@dipoleposition |
Attribute: dlinengyfermi
Energy difference between linearisation and Fermi energy.
Type: | fortrandouble |
Default: | "-0.1d0" |
Use: | optional |
Unit: | Hartree |
XPath: | /input/groundstate/@dlinengyfermi |
Attribute: do
Decides if the ground state is calculated starting from scratch, using the densities from file, or if its calculation is skipped and only the associated input parameters are read in.
Type: | choose from: fromscratch fromfile skip |
Default: | "fromscratch" |
Use: | optional |
XPath: | /input/groundstate/@do |
Attribute: energyref
Energy reference $\varepsilon_\textrm{ref}$ for the scalar-relativistic ZORA. It enters the kinetic energy expression $T=\mathbf{p}\frac{c^2}{2c^2+\varepsilon-v(\mathbf{r})}\mathbf{p}$.
Type: | fortrandouble |
Default: | "0.0d0" |
Use: | optional |
XPath: | /input/groundstate/@energyref |
Attribute: epsband
Energy tolerance for search of linearisation energies.
Type: | fortrandouble |
Default: | "1.0d-6" |
Use: | optional |
Unit: | Hartree |
XPath: | /input/groundstate/@epsband |
Attribute: epschg
Convergence criterion for the maximum allowed error in the calculated total charge beyond which a warning message will be issued.
Type: | fortrandouble |
Default: | "1.0d-5" |
Use: | optional |
XPath: | /input/groundstate/@epschg |
Attribute: epsengy
Energy convergence tolerance.
Type: | fortrandouble |
Default: | "1.0d-6" |
Use: | optional |
Unit: | Hartree |
XPath: | /input/groundstate/@epsengy |
Attribute: epsforcescf
Convergence tolerance for forces (not including IBS contribution) during the SCF run.
Type: | fortrandouble |
Default: | "5.0d-5" |
Use: | optional |
XPath: | /input/groundstate/@epsforcescf |
Attribute: epsocc
smallest occupancy for which a state will contribute to the density.
Type: | fortrandouble |
Default: | "1.0d-8" |
Use: | optional |
XPath: | /input/groundstate/@epsocc |
Attribute: epspot
If the RMS change in the effective potential and magnetic field is smaller than epspot, then the self-consistent loop is considered converged and exited. For structural optimization runs this results in the forces being calculated, the atomic positions updated and the loop restarted. See also maxscl.
Type: | fortrandouble |
Default: | "1.0d-6" |
Use: | optional |
XPath: | /input/groundstate/@epspot |
Attribute: fermilinengy
If "true" the linearization energies marked as non-varying are set to the Fermi level plus dlinengyfermi.
Type: | boolean |
Default: | "false" |
Use: | optional |
XPath: | /input/groundstate/@fermilinengy |
Attribute: findlinentype
Select method to determine the linearisation energies.
Type: | choose from: Wigner_Seitz lcharge logderiv no_search |
Default: | "Wigner_Seitz" |
Use: | optional |
XPath: | /input/groundstate/@findlinentype |
Attribute: fracinr
Fraction of the muffin-tin radius up to which lmaxinr is used as the angular momentum cut-off.
Type: | fortrandouble |
Default: | "0.02d0" |
Use: | optional |
XPath: | /input/groundstate/@fracinr |
Attribute: frozencore
When set to "true" the frozen core approximation is applied, i.e., the core states are fixed to the atomic states.
Type: | boolean |
Default: | "false" |
Use: | optional |
XPath: | /input/groundstate/@frozencore |
Attribute: gmaxvr
Maximum length of |G| for expanding the interstitial density and potential.
Type: | fortrandouble |
Default: | "12.0d0" |
Use: | optional |
XPath: | /input/groundstate/@gmaxvr |
Attribute: isgkmax
Species for which the muffin-tin radius will be used for calculating gkmax.
Type: | integer |
Default: | "-1" |
Use: | optional |
XPath: | /input/groundstate/@isgkmax |
Attribute: ldapu
Type of LDA+U method to be used.
Type: | choose from: none FullyLocalisedLimit AroundMeanField FFL-AMF-interpolation |
Default: | "none" |
Use: | optional |
XPath: | /input/groundstate/@ldapu |
Attribute: lmaxapw
Angular momentum cut-off for the APW functions.
Type: | integer |
Default: | "8" |
Use: | optional |
XPath: | /input/groundstate/@lmaxapw |
Attribute: lmaxinr
Close to the nucleus, the density and potential is almost spherical and therefore the spherical harmonic expansion can be truncated a low angular momentum. See also fracinr.
Type: | integer |
Default: | "2" |
Use: | optional |
XPath: | /input/groundstate/@lmaxinr |
Attribute: lmaxmat
Angular momentum cut-off for the outer-most loop in the hamiltonian and overlap matrix setup.
Type: | integer |
Default: | "8" |
Use: | optional |
XPath: | /input/groundstate/@lmaxmat |
Attribute: lmaxvr
Angular momentum cut-off for the muffin-tin density and potential.
Type: | integer |
Default: | "8" |
Use: | optional |
XPath: | /input/groundstate/@lmaxvr |
Attribute: lradstep
Some muffin-tin functions (such as the density) are calculated on a coarse radial mesh and then interpolated onto a fine mesh. This is done for the sake of efficiency. lradstp defines the step size in going from the fine to the coarse radial mesh. If it is too large, loss of precision may occur.
Type: | integer |
Default: | "1" |
Use: | optional |
XPath: | /input/groundstate/@lradstep |
Attribute: maxscl
Upper limit for the self-consistency loop.
Type: | integer |
Default: | "200" |
Use: | optional |
XPath: | /input/groundstate/@maxscl |
Attribute: mixer
Select the mixing (relaxation) scheme for the SCF loop. One has the following options:
Linear mixer ("lin"):
Given the input $\mu^i$ and output $\nu^i$ vectors of the $i$th iteration, the next input vector to the ($i+1$)th iteration is generated using an adaptive mixing scheme. The $j$th component of the output vector is mixed with a fraction of the same component of the input vector:
(1)where $\beta^i_j$ is set to $\beta_0$ at initialisation and increased by scaling with $\beta_{\rm inc}$ ($>1$) if $f^i_j\equiv\nu^i_j-\mu^i_j$ does not change sign between loops. If $f^i_j$ does change sign, then $\beta^i_j$ is scaled by $\beta_{\rm dec}$ ($>1$).
Multisecant Broyden potential mixing ("msec")
Pulay mixing ("pulay"):
Pulay's mixing scheme which uses direct inversion in the iterative subspace (DIIS). See Chem. Phys. Lett. 73, 393 (1980).
Type: | choose from: lin msec pulay |
Default: | "msec" |
Use: | optional |
XPath: | /input/groundstate/@mixer |
Attribute: mixerswitch
Switch between potential (1) and density (2) mixing.
Type: | integer |
Default: | "1" |
Use: | optional |
XPath: | /input/groundstate/@mixerswitch |
Attribute: modifiedsv
If "true", the construction of the second-variational hamiltonian involves wavefunctions in the basis representation and wavefunctions are not evaluated explicitly. Otherwise, the usual second-variational procedure is used. The first of the two approaches is generally recommended, but it is not implemented for non-collinear and LDA+U calculations.
Type: | boolean |
Default: | "false" |
Use: | optional |
XPath: | /input/groundstate/@modifiedsv |
Attribute: msecStoredSteps
How many potentials from previous steps to store. Used in msec mixing as choosen with mixer.
Type: | integer |
Default: | "8" |
Use: | optional |
XPath: | /input/groundstate/@msecStoredSteps |
Attribute: nempty
Defines the number of eigenstates beyond that required for charge neutrality. When running metals it is not known a priori how many states will be below the Fermi energy for each k-point. Setting nempty greater than zero allows the additional states to act as a buffer in such cases. Furthermore, magnetic calculations use the first-variational eigenstates as a basis for setting up the second-variational Hamiltonian, and thus nempty will determine the size of this basis set. Convergence with respect to this quantity should be checked.
Type: | integer |
Default: | "5" |
Use: | optional |
XPath: | /input/groundstate/@nempty |
Attribute: ngridk
Number of k grid points along the basis vector directions. Alternatively give autokpt and radkpt, or nktot. In the latter cases any value given for ngridk is not used. Notes: Phonon calculations using supercells adjust the k-grid according to the supercell size; if the element xs is given, the present attribute is overwritten by the value in xs for xs-related groundstate calculations; the values of the present attribute are also relevant for calculations related to the element gw.
Type: | integertriple |
Default: | "1 1 1" |
Use: | optional |
XPath: | /input/groundstate/@ngridk |
Attribute: niterconvcheck
Number of self-consistency iterations over which to test convergence. For example, if niterconvcheck=2, then both the second and third to last iterations are compared to the last one to check convergence. The convergence criteria used are those set up by scfconv.
Type: | integer |
Default: | "2" |
Use: | optional |
XPath: | /input/groundstate/@niterconvcheck |
Attribute: nktot
Used for the automatic determination of the ${\mathbf k}$-point mesh from the total number of k-points. If nktot is set, then the mesh will be determined in such a way that the number of k-points is proportional to the length of the reciprocal lattice vector in each direction and that the total number of k-points is less than or equal to nktot.
Type: | integer |
Default: | "0" |
Use: | optional |
XPath: | /input/groundstate/@nktot |
Attribute: nosource
When set to "true", source fields are projected out of the exchange-correlation magnetic field. experimental feature.
Type: | boolean |
Default: | "false" |
Use: | optional |
XPath: | /input/groundstate/@nosource |
Attribute: nosym
When set to "true" no symmetries, apart from the identity, are used anywhere in the code.
Type: | boolean |
Default: | "false" |
Use: | optional |
XPath: | /input/groundstate/@nosym |
Attribute: nprad
(Obsolete) Order of predictor-corrector polynomial.
Type: | integer |
Default: | "4" |
Use: | optional |
XPath: | /input/groundstate/@nprad |
Attribute: npsden
Order of polynomial for pseudo-charge density.
Type: | integer |
Default: | "9" |
Use: | optional |
XPath: | /input/groundstate/@npsden |
Attribute: nwrite
Normally, the density and potentials are written to the file STATE.OUT only after completion of the self-consistent loop. By setting nwrite to a positive integer the file will be written during the loop every nwrite iterations.
Type: | integer |
Default: | "0" |
Use: | optional |
XPath: | /input/groundstate/@nwrite |
Attribute: outputlevel
Specify amount of information which is printed to files:
- none - no output is produced
- low - minimal output is produced
- normal - (default) standard information
- high - detailed output
Type: | choose from: none low normal high |
Default: | "normal" |
Use: | optional |
XPath: | /input/groundstate/@outputlevel |
Attribute: ptnucl
The attrubute ptnucl is "true" if the nuclei are to be treated as point charges, if "false" the nuclei have a finite spherical distribution.
Type: | boolean |
Default: | "true" |
Use: | optional |
XPath: | /input/groundstate/@ptnucl |
Attribute: radialgridtype
The parameter defines a functional form how radial-grid points are distributed. Choose from "cubic", "cubic-2", "exponential" and "expocubic". The expressions for "cubic" and "cubic-2" differ by
- cubic: $r(i) = \left(\frac{i-1}{N-1}\right)^3(R_{MT}-R_{min}) + R_{min} \quad i=1,\ldots, N$, where $N$ and $R_{min}$ are the parameters radialmeshPoints and rmin, respectively, given inside the element muffinTin in the species file.
- cubic-2: for each muffin-tin sphere, the radial mesh is given $r(i) = \left(\frac{i-1}{N-1}\right)^3(R_{MT}-R_{min}N) + iR_{min} \quad i=1,\ldots, N$, where $N$ and $R_{min}$ are the parameters radialmeshPoints and rmin, respectively, given inside the element muffinTin in the species file.
"cubic" is the most suitable one for a majority of calculations, but switch to "expocubic" if you set the innermost grid point very close to a nucleus.
Type: | choose from: cubic cubic-2 expocubic exponential |
Default: | "cubic" |
Use: | optional |
XPath: | /input/groundstate/@radialgridtype |
Attribute: radkpt
Used for the automatic determination of the k-point mesh. If autokpt is set to "true" then the mesh sizes will be determined by $n_i=\lambda/|{ \bf A}_i|+1$.
Type: | fortrandouble |
Default: | "40.0d0" |
Use: | optional |
XPath: | /input/groundstate/@radkpt |
Attribute: reducek
If the attribute reducek is "true" the $\bf{k}$-point set is reduced with the crystal symmetries.
Type: | boolean |
Default: | "true" |
Use: | optional |
XPath: | /input/groundstate/@reducek |
Attribute: rgkmax
The parameter rgkmax implicitly determines the number of basis functions and is one of the crucial parameters for the accuracy of the calculation. It represents the product of two quantities: $R_{MT,\, Min}$, the smallest of all muffin-tin radii, and $|{ \bf G}+{ \bf k}|_{max}$, the maximum length for the ${ \bf G}+{ \bf k}$ vectors. Because each ${ \bf G}+{ \bf k}$ vector represents one basis function, rgkmax gives the number of basis functions used for solving the Kohn-Sham equations. Typical values of rgkmax are between 6 and 9. However, for systems with very short bond-lengths, significantly smaller values may be sufficient. This may especially be the case for materials containing carbon, where rgkmax may be 4.5-5, or hydrogen, where even values between 3 and 4 may be sufficient. In any case, a convergence check is indispensible for a proper choice of this parameter for your system!
Type: | fortrandouble |
Default: | "7.0d0" |
Use: | optional |
XPath: | /input/groundstate/@rgkmax |
Attribute: scfconv
Specify the SCF convergence criteria
- "energy" - only the total energy of the system is used as a convergence criterion. If the calculation of the atomic forces is required (e.g., in the optimization of the atomic positions) the non-IBS contribution to the atomic forces is added as a further convergence criterion.
- "potential" - only the Kohn-Sham potential is used as a convergence criterion. If atomic forces are required the convergence criterion is extended to include non-IBS forces.
- "multiple" - total energy, Kohn-Sham potential, and total electronic charge of the system are used as convergence criteria. If atomic forces are required the convergence criterion is extended to include non-IBS forces.
Type: | string |
Default: | "multiple" |
Use: | optional |
XPath: | /input/groundstate/@scfconv |
Attribute: stype
A smooth approximation to the Dirac delta function is needed to compute the occupancies of the Kohn-Sham states. The attribute swidth determines the width of the approximate delta function.
Type: | choose from: Gaussian Methfessel-Paxton 1 Methfessel-Paxton 2 Fermi Dirac Square-wave impulse libbzint |
Default: | "Gaussian" |
Use: | optional |
XPath: | /input/groundstate/@stype |
Attribute: swidth
Width of the smooth approximation to the Dirac delta function (must be greater than zero).
Type: | fortrandouble |
Default: | "0.001d0" |
Use: | optional |
Unit: | Hartree |
XPath: | /input/groundstate/@swidth |
Attribute: symmorph
When set to "true" only symmorphic space-group operations are to be considered, i.e. only symmetries without non-primitive translations are used anywhere in the code.
Type: | boolean |
Default: | "false" |
Use: | optional |
XPath: | /input/groundstate/@symmorph |
Attribute: tevecsv
The attribute tevecsv is "true" if second-variational eigenvectors are calculated.
Type: | boolean |
Default: | "false" |
Use: | optional |
XPath: | /input/groundstate/@tevecsv |
Attribute: tfibs
Because calculation of the incomplete basis set (IBS) correction to the force is fairly time- consuming, it can be switched off by setting tfibs to "false" This correction can then be included only when necessary, i.e. when the atoms are close to equilibrium in a structural relaxation run.
Type: | boolean |
Default: | "true" |
Use: | optional |
XPath: | /input/groundstate/@tfibs |
Attribute: tforce
Decides if the force should be calculated at the end of the self-consistent cycle.
Type: | boolean |
Default: | "false" |
Use: | optional |
XPath: | /input/groundstate/@tforce |
Attribute: tpartcharges
The attribute tpartcharges is "true" if partial charges for each state j, atom alpha and for each lm combination are calculated.
Type: | boolean |
Default: | "false" |
Use: | optional |
XPath: | /input/groundstate/@tpartcharges |
Attribute: useAPWprecision
If the parameter useAPWprecision is set to true, the rgkmax for the calculation will be determined using the APWprecision attribute. If rgkmax has been manually specified in the input file, it will be overwritten by the rgkmax value determined using the APWprecision value.
Type: | boolean |
Default: | "false" |
Use: | optional |
XPath: | /input/groundstate/@useAPWprecision |
Attribute: useDensityMatrix
Construct the density using density matrices if set to "true". Otherwise use the transformation to the real space.
Type: | boolean |
Default: | "true" |
Use: | optional |
XPath: | /input/groundstate/@useDensityMatrix |
Attribute: vdWcorrection
Adds dispersion (van-der-Waals) correction to total energy after the last SCF iteration. If forces are calculated, an appropriate dispersion correction is applied. Available methods are
- "DFTD2": This is the DFT-D2 method by Stefan Grimme which is introduced in Semiempirical GGA-type density functional constructed with a long-range dispersion correction, J. Comput. Chem. 27, 1787-1799 (2006).
- "TSvdW": This is the TS-vdW method by Alexandre Tkatchenko and Matthias Scheffler introduced in Accurate molecular van-der-Waals interactions from ground-state electron density and free-atom reference data, Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 073005 (2009).
Parameters corresponding to each method can be specified using the subelements DFTD2parameters and TSvdWparameters inside the element groundstate. It is also possible to decouple these van-der-Waals corrections from a complete ground-state calculation. In this case, you can use the subelements DFTD2 and TSvdW inside the element properties.
Type: | choose from: none DFTD2 TSvdW |
Default: | "none" |
Use: | optional |
XPath: | /input/groundstate/@vdWcorrection |
Attribute: vkloff
The ${\mathbf k}$-point offset vector in lattice coordinates.
Type: | vect3d |
Default: | "0.0d0 0.0d0 0.0d0" |
Use: | optional |
XPath: | /input/groundstate/@vkloff |
Attribute: xctype
Type of exchange-correlation functional to be used
- No exchange-correlation funtional ( $E_{\rm xc}\equiv 0$ )
- LDA, Perdew-Zunger/Ceperley-Alder, Phys. Rev. B 23, 5048 (1981)
- LSDA, Perdew-Wang/Ceperley-Alder, Phys. Rev. B 45, 13244 (1992)
- LDA, X-alpha approximation, J. C. Slater, Phys. Rev. 81, 385 (1951)
- LSDA, von Barth-Hedin, J. Phys. C 5, 1629 (1972)
- GGA, Perdew-Burke-Ernzerhof (PBE), Phys. Rev. Lett. 77, 3865 (1996)
- GGA, Revised PBE, Zhang-Yang, Phys. Rev. Lett. 80, 890 (1998)
- GGA, PBEsol, arXiv:0707.2088v1 (2007)
- GGA, asymptotically corrected PBE (acPBE), arXiv:1409.4834 (2014)
- GGA, Wu-Cohen exchange (WC06) with PBE correlation, Phys. Rev. B 73, 235116 (2006)
- GGA, Armiento-Mattsson (AM05) spin-unpolarised functional, Phys. Rev. B 72, 085108 (2005)
- EXX, Exact Exchange, Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, 136402 (2005)
- Hybrid, PBE0, J. Chem. Phys. 110, 5029 (1999), // J. Chem. Phys.// 110, 6158, (1999)
- Hybrid, HSE, J. Chem. Phys. 125, 224106 (2006)
Default: | "GGA_PBE" |
Use: | optional |
XPath: | /input/groundstate/@xctype |
Element: DFTD2parameters
This element allows to customize parameters when either the option "DFTD2" of the attribute vdWcorrection is chosen, or the subelement DFTD2 of the element properties is specified.
Type: | no content |
XPath: | /input/groundstate/DFTD2parameters |
This element allows for specification of the following attributes: cutoff, d, s6, sr6
Attribute: cutoff
Cutoff distance of interatomic interactions for the method "DFTD2". In the sum over all pairwise interactions, only pairs of atoms are considered which are closer to each other than the value of the cutoff attribute.
Type: | fortrandouble |
Default: | "95.0d0" |
Use: | optional |
XPath: | /input/groundstate/DFTD2parameters/@cutoff |
Attribute: d
This damping constant determines the steepnes of the damping function for the method "DFTD2".
Type: | fortrandouble |
Default: | "20.0d0" |
Use: | optional |
XPath: | /input/groundstate/DFTD2parameters/@d |
Attribute: s6
Global scaling factor for all $C_6$-dispersion coefficients for the method "DFTD2". This factor depends on the exchange-correlation functional in use. The default value suits PBE calculations.
Type: | fortrandouble |
Default: | "0.75d0" |
Use: | optional |
XPath: | /input/groundstate/DFTD2parameters/@s6 |
Attribute: sr6
Scaling factor for van-der-Waals radii for the method "DFTD2". This factor depends on the exchange-correlation functional in use. The default value suits PBE calculations.
Type: | fortrandouble |
Default: | "1.1d0" |
Use: | optional |
XPath: | /input/groundstate/DFTD2parameters/@sr6 |
Element: TSvdWparameters
This element allows to customize parameters when either the option "TSvdW" of the attribute vdWcorrection is chosen, or the subelement TSvdW of the element properties is specified.
Type: | no content |
XPath: | /input/groundstate/TSvdWparameters |
This element allows for specification of the following attributes: cutoff, d, nr, nsph, s6, sr6
Attribute: cutoff
Cutoff distance of interatomic interactions for the method "TSvdW". In the sum over all pairwise interactions, only pairs of atoms are considered which are closer to each other than the value of the cutoff attribute.
Type: | fortrandouble |
Default: | "95.0d0" |
Use: | optional |
XPath: | /input/groundstate/TSvdWparameters/@cutoff |
Attribute: d
This damping constant determines the steepnes of the damping function for the method "TSvdW".
Type: | fortrandouble |
Default: | "20.0d0" |
Use: | optional |
XPath: | /input/groundstate/TSvdWparameters/@d |
Attribute: nr
Number of radial grid points for the Gauss-Chebyshev quadrature.
Type: | integer |
Default: | "120" |
Use: | optional |
XPath: | /input/groundstate/TSvdWparameters/@nr |
Attribute: nsph
Number of Lebedev grid points. The only possible values are: "1", "6", "14", "26", "38", "50", "74", "86", "110", "146", "170", "194", "230", "266", "302", "350", "434", "590", "770", "974", "1202", "1454", "1730", "2030", "2354", "2702", "3074", "3740", "3890", "4334", "4802", "5294", "5810".
Type: | integer |
Default: | "590" |
Use: | optional |
XPath: | /input/groundstate/TSvdWparameters/@nsph |
Attribute: s6
Global scaling factor for all $C_6$-dispersion coefficients for the method "TSvdW".
Type: | fortrandouble |
Default: | "1.0d0" |
Use: | optional |
XPath: | /input/groundstate/TSvdWparameters/@s6 |
Attribute: sr6
Scaling factor for van-der-Waals radii for the method "TSvdW". This factor depends on the exchange-correlation functional in use. The default value suits PBE calculations.
Type: | fortrandouble |
Default: | "0.94d0" |
Use: | optional |
XPath: | /input/groundstate/TSvdWparameters/@sr6 |
Element: spin
If the spin element is present, calculation is done with spin polarization.
Type: | no content |
XPath: | /input/groundstate/spin |
This element allows for specification of the following attributes: bfieldc, fixspin, momfix, nosv, realspace, reducebf, spinorb, spinsprl, svlo, taufsm, vqlss
Attribute: bfieldc
Allows to apply a constant ${ \bf B}_{\tt ext}$ field. This is an external constant magnetic field applied throughout the entire unit cell and enters the second-variational Hamiltonian as
(2)where $g_e$ is the electron $g$-factor ($g_e$=2.0023193043718). The external magnetic field is normally used to break spin symmetry for spin-polarised calculations and considered to be infinitesimal with no direct contribution to the total energy. In cases where the magnetic field is finite (for example when computing magnetic response) the external ${ \bf B}$-field energy reported in INFO.OUT (when the attribute outputlevel is set to"high") should be added to the total energy by hand. This external magnetic field is applied hroughout the entire unit cell. To apply magnetic fields in particular muffin-tins use the bfcmt vectors in the atom elements. Collinear calculations are more efficient if the field is applied in the $z$-direction.
Type: | vect3d |
Default: | "0.0d0 0.0d0 0.0d0 " |
Use: | optional |
XPath: | /input/groundstate/spin/@bfieldc |
Attribute: fixspin
Type: | choose from: none total FSM localmt FSM both |
Default: | "none" |
Use: | optional |
XPath: | /input/groundstate/spin/@fixspin |
Attribute: momfix
The desired total moment for a fixed spin moment (FSM) calculation.
Type: | vect3d |
Default: | "0.0d0 0.0d0 0.0d0" |
Use: | optional |
XPath: | /input/groundstate/spin/@momfix |
Attribute: nosv
If skipsv = "true", the second-variational procedure is not employed, and magnetic and/or spin-orbit calculations are performed in a single go.
Type: | boolean |
Default: | "false" |
Use: | optional |
XPath: | /input/groundstate/spin/@nosv |
Attribute: realspace
If realspace is "true", the second-variational approach involves a transformation of wave functions to the real space in the muffin-tin region. Otherwise, calculations involve the atomic-like basis.
Type: | boolean |
Default: | "false" |
Use: | optional |
XPath: | /input/groundstate/spin/@realspace |
Attribute: reducebf
After each iteration the external magnetic fields are multiplied with reducebf. This allows for a large external magnetic field at the start of the self-consistent loop to break spin symmetry, while at the end of the loop the field will be effectively zero, i.e. infinitesimal. See bfieldc and atom element.
Type: | fortrandouble |
Default: | "1.0d0" |
Use: | optional |
XPath: | /input/groundstate/spin/@reducebf |
Attribute: spinorb
If spinorb is "true", a $\boldsymbol \sigma\cdot{ \bf L}$ term is added to the second-variational Hamiltonian.
Type: | boolean |
Default: | "false" |
Use: | optional |
XPath: | /input/groundstate/spin/@spinorb |
Attribute: spinsprl
Set to "true" if a spin-spiral calculation is required. Experimental feature for the calculation of spin-spiral states. See vqlss for details.
Type: | boolean |
Default: | "false" |
Use: | optional |
XPath: | /input/groundstate/spin/@spinsprl |
Attribute: svlo
If svlo is "true", then local orbitals are separately used as basis functions when constructing the second-variational Hamiltonian.
Type: | boolean |
Default: | "false" |
Use: | optional |
XPath: | /input/groundstate/spin/@svlo |
Attribute: taufsm
The effective magnetic field required for fixing the spin moment to a given value, is updated according to
(3)for iteration $i$. It must be positive.
Type: | fortrandouble |
Default: | "0.01d0" |
Use: | optional |
XPath: | /input/groundstate/spin/@taufsm |
Attribute: vqlss
This attribute allows to specify the ${ \bf q}$-vector of the spin-spiral state in lattice coordinates. Spin-spirals arise from spinor states assumed to be of the form
(4)These spin-spirals are determined using a second-variational approach, and give rise to a magnetization density of the form
(5)where $m_x$, $m_y$, and $m_z$ have the periodicity of the lattice. See also spinsprl.
Type: | vect3d |
Default: | "0.0d0 0.0d0 0.0d0" |
Use: | optional |
XPath: | /input/groundstate/spin/@vqlss |
Element: dfthalf
The presence of this element triggers DFT-1/2 calculations.
Type: | no content |
XPath: | /input/groundstate/dfthalf |
This element allows for specification of the following attributes: printVSfile
Attribute: printVSfile
When set to "true", the self-energy correction potential $V_S({\bf r})$ (as defined in the DFT-1/2 method) is calculated for each constituent atomic species and written into the files VS_S*.OUT, where * ranges from 1 to the number of atomic species. The exciting run quits after the printing. In this case, a serial calculation is suggested. It is useful to visualize the self-energy potential, or for debugging purposes.
Type: | boolean |
Default: | "false" |
Use: | optional |
XPath: | /input/groundstate/dfthalf/@printVSfile |
Element: Hybrid
Options for hybrid functionals.
Type: | no content |
XPath: | /input/groundstate/Hybrid |
This element allows for specification of the following attributes: HSEsingularity, epsmb, excoeff, gmb, lmaxmb, maxscl, omega
Attribute: HSEsingularity
Method to compute the HSE singualarity integral constructed employing the isotropic average method.
- Taylor (default): the exponent in the argument of the integral is expanded in a Taylor series up to the second order before the integral is solved. This method is the same employed by Betzinger // et al. , // Phys. Rev. B // **84 **, 125142 (2011). Not suitable for small value of the screening parameter.
- Exact: The integral is solved exactly. This method is the one adviced for value of the screening parameter lower than 0.11 $a_0^{-1}$. More information can be found in Vona // et al. //,Adv. Theory Simul.//, **5 **, 2100496 (2022).
Type: | choose from: Taylor Exact |
Default: | "Taylor" |
Use: | optional |
XPath: | /input/groundstate/Hybrid/@HSEsingularity |
Attribute: epsmb
Linear dependence tolerance factor: controls construction of the radial part of the mixed-product basis.
Type: | fortrandouble |
Default: | "1.0d-4" |
Use: | optional |
XPath: | /input/groundstate/Hybrid/@epsmb |
Attribute: excoeff
Define value of the mixing parameter for exact exchange. ATTENTION: If you are using libxc, the libxc settings will be employed and your choice of this parameter will be ignored.
Type: | fortrandouble |
Default: | "0.25d0" |
Use: | optional |
XPath: | /input/groundstate/Hybrid/@excoeff |
Attribute: gmb
Plane-wave energy cutoff (in units of $G_{max}^{LAPW}$): controls construction of the plane-wave part of the mixed-product basis.
Type: | fortrandouble |
Default: | "1.0" |
Use: | optional |
XPath: | /input/groundstate/Hybrid/@gmb |
Attribute: lmaxmb
Maximal angular momentum: controls construction of the radial part of the mixed-product basis.
Type: | integer |
Default: | "3" |
Use: | optional |
XPath: | /input/groundstate/Hybrid/@lmaxmb |
Attribute: maxscl
Upper limit for the Hybrids self-consistency loop.
Type: | integer |
Default: | "50" |
Use: | optional |
XPath: | /input/groundstate/Hybrid/@maxscl |
Attribute: omega
Define the value for the screening parameter of HSE06.
Type: | fortrandouble |
Default: | "0.11d0" |
Use: | optional |
XPath: | /input/groundstate/Hybrid/@omega |
Element: sirius
Element for specifying details how the SIRIUS library is used. If this element does not exist, SIRIUS is not used. Note that, in order to use SIRIUS, exciting has to be compiled with the -DSIRIUS flag and linked with the SIRIUS library.
Type: | no content |
XPath: | /input/groundstate/sirius |
This element allows for specification of the following attributes: cfun, density, densityinit, eigenstates, sfacg, vha, xc
Attribute: cfun
Generate characteristic function (unit step function) with SIRIUS.
Type: | boolean |
Default: | "true" |
Use: | optional |
XPath: | /input/groundstate/sirius/@cfun |
Attribute: density
Outsource calculation of density to SIRIUS.
Type: | boolean |
Default: | "true" |
Use: | optional |
XPath: | /input/groundstate/sirius/@density |
Attribute: densityinit
Outsource the initialization of density to SIRIUS.
Type: | boolean |
Default: | "false" |
Use: | optional |
XPath: | /input/groundstate/sirius/@densityinit |
Attribute: eigenstates
Outsource diagonalization to SIRIUS.
Type: | boolean |
Default: | "true" |
Use: | optional |
XPath: | /input/groundstate/sirius/@eigenstates |
Attribute: sfacg
Generate G-vector structure factors with SIRIUS.
Type: | boolean |
Default: | "true" |
Use: | optional |
XPath: | /input/groundstate/sirius/@sfacg |
Attribute: vha
Outsource solving of the Poisson equation to SIRIUS.
Type: | boolean |
Default: | "true" |
Use: | optional |
XPath: | /input/groundstate/sirius/@vha |
Attribute: xc
Outsource calculation of the exchange-correlation potential to SIRIUS.
Type: | boolean |
Default: | "true" |
Use: | optional |
XPath: | /input/groundstate/sirius/@xc |
Element: solver
Optional configuration options for eigenvector solver.
Type: | no content |
XPath: | /input/groundstate/solver |
This element allows for specification of the following attributes: constructHS, evaltol, minenergy, packedmatrixstorage, type
Attribute: constructHS
If the Davidson algorithm is used, the construction of the Hamiltonian and overlap matrices can be omitted.
Type: | boolean |
Default: | "true" |
Use: | optional |
XPath: | /input/groundstate/solver/@constructHS |
Attribute: evaltol
Error tolerance for the first-variational eigenvalues using the LAPACK Solver
Type: | fortrandouble |
Default: | "1.0d-14" |
Use: | optional |
Unit: | Hartree |
XPath: | /input/groundstate/solver/@evaltol |
Attribute: minenergy
The smallest allowed KS eigenvalue.
Type: | fortrandouble |
Default: | "-100.0" |
Use: | optional |
XPath: | /input/groundstate/solver/@minenergy |
Attribute: packedmatrixstorage
In the default calculation the matrix is sored in packed form. When using multi-threaded BLAS setting this parameter to "false" increases efficiency.
Type: | boolean |
Default: | "false" |
Use: | optional |
XPath: | /input/groundstate/solver/@packedmatrixstorage |
Attribute: type
Selects the eigenvalue solver for the first variational equation
Type: | choose from: Lapack Davidson |
Default: | "Lapack" |
Use: | optional |
XPath: | /input/groundstate/solver/@type |
Element: OEP
Necessary, if exact exchange calculation is to be performed.
Type: | no content |
XPath: | /input/groundstate/OEP |
This element allows for specification of the following attributes: convoep, maxitoep, tauoep
Attribute: convoep
Convergence tolerance for OEP residue when solving the exact exchange integral equations.
Type: | fortrandouble |
Default: | "1e-11" |
Use: | optional |
XPath: | /input/groundstate/OEP/@convoep |
Attribute: maxitoep
Maximum number of iterations when solving the exact exchange integral equations.
Type: | integer |
Default: | "300" |
Use: | optional |
XPath: | /input/groundstate/OEP/@maxitoep |
Attribute: tauoep
The optimised effective potential is determined using an iterative method. Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 196405 (2007). At the first iteration the step length is set to tauoep(1). During subsequent iterations, the step length is scaled by tauoep(2) or tauoep(3), when the residual is increasing or decreasing, respectively. See also maxitoep.
Type: | vect3d |
Default: | "1.0d0 0.2d0 1.5d0" |
Use: | optional |
XPath: | /input/groundstate/OEP/@tauoep |
Element: output
Specifications on the file formats for output files.
Type: | no content |
XPath: | /input/groundstate/output |
This element allows for specification of the following attributes: state
Attribute: state
Selects the file format of the STATE file.
Type: | choose from: binary XML |
Default: | "binary" |
Use: | optional |
XPath: | /input/groundstate/output/@state |
Element: libxc
Type: | no content |
XPath: | /input/groundstate/libxc |
This element allows for specification of the following attributes: correlation, exchange, xc
Attribute: correlation
Default: | "XC_GGA_C_PBE" |
Use: | optional |
XPath: | /input/groundstate/libxc/@correlation |
Attribute: exchange
Default: | "XC_GGA_X_PBE" |
Use: | optional |
XPath: | /input/groundstate/libxc/@exchange |
Attribute: xc
Combined functionals. If set it overrides the exchange and the correlation attributes.
Default: | "none" |
Use: | optional |
XPath: | /input/groundstate/libxc/@xc |
Element: lorecommendation
Local orbitals may be used for improving unoccupied states. But what energy parameters to use? If this element is present, you will get a list of trial energies computed by using the Wigner-Seitz rules.
Type: | no content |
XPath: | /input/groundstate/lorecommendation |
This element allows for specification of the following attributes: lmaxlo, nodesmaxlo
Attribute: lmaxlo
Angular momentum cutoff for local orbital trial energy recommendations.
Type: | integer |
Default: | "3" |
Use: | optional |
XPath: | /input/groundstate/lorecommendation/@lmaxlo |
Attribute: nodesmaxlo
Number of nodes cutoff for local orbital trial energy recommendations.
Type: | integer |
Default: | "20" |
Use: | optional |
XPath: | /input/groundstate/lorecommendation/@nodesmaxlo |
Reused Elements
The following elements can occur more than once in the input file. There for they are listed separately.
Data Types
The Input definition uses derived data types. These are described here.